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Plugin: Network COM Port

The Network COM Port (NCP) Plug-in for FinishLynx enables operators to communicate with multiple serial devices from a single FinishLynx computer using TCP sockets rather than serial ports. With the NCP Plug-in and SeriaLynx, you can put serial devices like scoreboards, wind gauges, and lap timers on a wired or wireless Ethernet network integrated with FinishLynx fully automatic timing.
Sku: 5LPNCP   Category: Software Plug-ins  Tags: download, FinishLynx, NCP, Network COM Port, plugin, software

The Network COM Port Plug-in (included in the basic version of FinishLynx since version 13.00) is an important software feature for anyone looking to build a powerful and secure FinishLynx results network. With the help of SeriaLynx, you can interface with serial devices like scoreboards and wind gauges over a wired or 802.11 wireless Ethernet network.

Rather than having to connect serial devices directly to a computer, you can use SeriaLynx and the NCP Plug-in to interface with multiple devices right from the FinishLynx results software. This allows users to build a powerful, secure, and expansive results network throughout the venue. And because the plug-in also supports wireless configurations, you can add multiple IP addresses to share secure data across the network.

In addition to supporting standard Ethernet TCP/IP  protocols, the Network COM Port Plug-in also supports UDP (User Datagram Protocol) communication for scoreboards and displays.

The NCP Plug-in can also be used with the FinishLynx Remote Control Plug-in to communicate remotely between FinishLynx and any devices connected to a network TCP port.


FinishLynx Software Plugins
NameFile Size
Network COM Port FinishLynx Plugin114.9 KBDownload
Product Version: 3.8.2